General Dentistry
General Dentistry

We provide optimal bespoke care focusing on education, prevention and a holistic approach to your oral health.

When it comes to your oral health, routine maintenance, early detection, and correction of minor issues prevents the need for major dental treatments later on. Our range of general dentistry solutions offer ways for the whole family to access a continuity of care, ensuring your oral health is always at its best.

What services are available?

General dentistry includes everything from a preventative maintenance clean to root canal therapy, wisdom teeth removal and more. Looking after your teeth is paramount, and the best way to maintain optimal dental health is by visiting your BEC Dental dentist on a regular basis.

Our large team have a wealth of experience, also offering cosmetic treatments and other specialist services to make everything convenient for you.

The most crucial first step is a routine examination with one of BEC Dental dentists, coupled with a preventative maintenance appointment with one of our skilled dental hygienist. Visiting your Dental Hygienist routinely is also strongly recommended. Examining the oral tissues routinely gives us the opportunity to detect any abnormalities presented that require further treatment or monitoring. Our aim is to treat in a state of health rather than disease, maintaining health overall in the long term.

In cases of a dental emergency, we are here for you! We offer a range of solutions for various situations including:

  • Toothache
  • Dental trauma
  • Swelling
  • Chipped or dislodged restorations (fillings)
  • Bleeding from the gums
  • Dislocation of the jaw joint
  • And more

There are various options for restoring teeth including temporary, short term and long term options. Your Dentist will provide a comprehensive assessment and discuss the best option for tailored to you. Some common restorative treatments we can assist you with are listed below:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Porcelain or gold crown and bridge
  • Porcelain onlays, inlays or overlays
  • Tooth coloured fillings
  • Dental Implants
  • Dentures

We’ve chosen the most reliable techniques, including computer assisted modern design. Along with quality colour-matched filling materials available to restore your beautiful smile and give you confidence.  Our advanced restorative techniques can repair broken, chipped teeth or replace older fillings, improving the colour, shape, contour and overall appearance of your smile.

Root canal therapy can save a compromised tooth in the event of infection or inflammation. Painful and potentially dangerous if left untreated, RCT can save a tooth and prevent bacteria’s propagation.

At BEC Dental, we strive to save as many teeth as possible with a wide range of available treatments. In some cases, despite all efforts, tooth extraction is necessary when the tooth is beyond saving due to severe damage,  insufficient tooth structure, advanced gum disease, and more.

An OPG x-ray (wide panoramic view) is required to make a comprehensive assessment of your wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth become impacted due to anatomy or insufficient space, they can develop at an angle or cannot fully erupt into their ideal position. In some cases, wisdom teeth can cause discomfort or can be very difficult to maintain good oral hygiene and may be a risk to your oral health. On assessment, your BEC Dental dentist will decide which option is best for you and if a referral to an Oral Surgeon is the best approach to treatment.

Let us help you take the finest care of your teeth. The services listed above are just some of the more common general dentistry treatments we provide, with plenty more available to ensure the best care possible. We can help protect your smile for a lifetime!

Still have questions or are unsure what the right option is for you?

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment for a comprehensive assessment, please contact our friendly team to assist you.